Monday, April 10, 2017

Social Problems in Nepal: Chhaupati pratha

Social Problems in Nepal: Chhaupati pratha: Chhaupati Pratha is conventional social disasters that has been existing for the most part in the Far-western improvement Region and the ...

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Chhaupati pratha

Chhaupati Pratha is conventional social disasters that has been existing for the most part in the Far-western improvement Region and the Mid-western Development Region in our nation. It is harsh practice. As indicated by customary, ladies could be kept out of their homes when they have turned out to be month to month time frame (cycle). They are secluded from claim house and family amid the time of entire period. They ought to be remained in dim or miserable houses, dairy animals sheds, goat housea, and so forth of exceptionally poor condition. When she is that condition, not permitted to touch, to see,to stroll, to stir up with other individual. They ought not permitted to utilize standard local things, for example, bedding, covers, sheets, products, utensil, or other family unit. They need to rest in roughage (paral), grass, nearby tangles, jute packs and furthermore to eat in whatever pot they have. A hefty portion of ladies experience the ill effects of this condition, as brain science, rationally, physically in custom.

• To understand this chhaupati Pratha; as,

a. As a matter of first importance, the general population ought to be taught about this condition.

b. More extensive mindfulness programs must be directed in many spots.

c. To disregard that customary practice.

d. Government ought to be given distinctive sorts of offices.

Drug abuse

The illicit exchange of medication is called tranquilize mishandle. By and large, in Nepal the adolescent's kin are occupied with this area to get amusement themselves. However, it is the major issues of our general public and in addition nation moreover. Also, it influences our general public in various ways. It is makes just criminal exercises. They are demolish their own particular's lives as well as crush the peace, flourishing or joy of families and social orders. Presently the outskirts of India are opened and it moves toward becoming to simple for the illicit exchange for medication in our nation. It makes singular issue can be seen for the medication clients. we realize that, that makes brief time weight however influences the general population in long time. There ought to be undesirable in human resourse in the public arena or nation. In this way, it is never useful for any personal(indivual), families, groups, society or nation.


• The arrangement or measures of Drug manhandle; as,

a. Ought to be open mindfulness

b. Projects ought to be led now and again to persuade the awful endeavors of medication fixation.

c. Ought to be severally rebuffed by Drug traffickers

d. Ought to be hospitalization for treatment

e. Ought to be made strict laws

Refugee Problems

The general population who are compelled to leave their territory as a result of the dread and political fear are named as exiles. The nation in which they escape away the nations which deal with them are named as the host nations. The obligation of the host nation is to deal with the evacuees for their nourishment, apparel and safe house. The outcasts are in extensive in number on the planet. Not just had the host nations the displaced people are taken care by un particular association called UNHCR.

UNHCR was set up in 1951 AD to help the evacuees in the second world war. It gives assistance and backings the displaced people. Presently UNHCR is working in 115 distinct nations of the world. UNHCR gives medicinal treatment to the displaced people alongside nourishment and sanctuary. The principle target of UNHCR is to send back the displaced person to their own particular nation. This association has attempted to make the displaced people free from political fear and misuse. The exiles need to carry on with an extremely troublesome life. UNHCR has additionally been restoring the exiles to the third nation on the off chance that they would prefer not to return back to their own particular nation.

The fundamental monetary asset for UNHCR is the United Nations Organization and the giver nations. Different NGOs and INGOs likewise help this association to construct the economy.

Our nation has likewise been the host nation for one lakh Bhutanese exiles since 1990 AD. Nepal has additionally been the host nation for the Tibetan exiles. UNHCR is dealing with these evacuees by keeping them distinctive camps in Jhapa region of Mechi zone. The evacuees had entered Nepal from Bhutan by declining to execute the Drukpa culture of the nation. UNHCR and FAO are helping them for their job. With the help gave by UNHCR the outcast's issue in Nepal is not a major weight for the Government.

Cultural factors

Verifiable and social components sustain into the present condition of trafficking. Kids who originate from indigenous populaces, minority gatherings, or lower stations are the most helpless. The Hindu position framework does not have a whore rank: be that as it may, in south-west Nepal, ladies of the Badi station were customarily performers who offered social shows and additionally sexual administrations to nearby rulers, religious pioneers and proprietors. Trafficker packs exploited this neighborhood custom and consolidated the Badi people group into a cross-fringe sex trafficking ring. Patriarchal social standards, qualities, dispositions and practices energize trafficking and make ladies and young ladies helpless. For example, ladies have less open doors for instruction, work preparing, and work than men in Nepal; families esteem young men as resources yet see young ladies as money related weights since young ladies will in the end be offered to serve another family, and the guardians need to give a settlement also. Poor families in these circumstances may pitch their little girls to traffickers or send them off at a youthful age to work and send settlements back to the family.[10] Tradition, monetary requirements, and the low status of ladies work to proceed with the act of trafficking. Resilience of household and sexual savagery make monstrous hindrances for casualties to leave oppressive conditions or look for successful legitimate plan of action. Besides, ladies who are separated, surrendered, casualties of assault, or sex laborers confront gigantic levels of shame and are segregated by their families and groups, making them defenseless against trafficking.

Involuntary servitude

Automatic subjugation or automatic subjection is a United States legitimate and sacred term for a man working against that individual's will to profit another, under some type of compulsion other than the laborer's budgetary needs. While working to profit another happens likewise in the state of bondage, automatic subjugation does not really imply the entire absence of opportunity experienced in property subjection; automatic subjugation may likewise allude to different types of unfree work. Automatic bondage is not reliant upon remuneration or its sum.

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution makes automatic bondage illicit under any U.S. ward whether on account of the U.S. government or in the private circle, aside from as discipline for a wrongdoing: "Neither subjugation nor automatic bondage, with the exception of as a discipline for wrongdoing whereof the gathering should have been appropriately sentenced, might exist inside the United States, or wherever subject to their ward."

The Supreme Court has held, in Butler v. Perry, 240 U.S. 328 (1916), that the Thirteenth Amendment does not forbid "implementation of those obligations which people owe to the state, for example, benefits in the armed force, civilian army, on the jury, and so forth." Onerous long haul divorce settlement and spousal bolster orders, prefaced on an exclusive intrigue held by previous conjugal accomplices in each other's people, have likewise been permitted in many states, however they may by and by exemplify components of automatic bondage.

Other interpretations of involuntary servitude

The Libertarian Party of the United States and other libertarians consider military conscription to be involuntary servitude in the sense of the Thirteenth Amendment. The U.S. Supreme Court did not accept this view in Arver v. United States. Some libertarians consider compulsory schooling involuntary servitude. John Taylor Gatto, a retired schoolteacher and libertarian activist critical of compulsory schooling writes of what he terms "The Cult Of Forced Schooling". Many libertarians consider income taxation a form of involuntary servitude. Republican Congressman Ron Paul has described income tax as "a form of involuntary servitude,[3] and has written, "... things like Selective Service and the income tax make me wonder how serious we really are in defending just basic freedoms.
Some have also argued that, should Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), be overturned by the United States Supreme Court, a constitutional right to abortion could still be sustained on the basis that denying it would subject women to involuntary servitude contrary to the Thirteenth Amendment. However, no U.S. court has yet accepted such an argument. Differing views have been expressed as to whether the argument is so unpersuasive as to be "frivolous". One major difficulty with the argument relates to the claim that pregnancy and child-bearing are within the scope of the term "servitude".